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Inclusion and Diversity

This portfolio is a visual response to my lived experience as a parent of a multiply handicapped child.
I wondered “What would heaven be like for our son: “Would it be a place where he was made physically and mentally whole or would it be an accepting, friendly home in which his disabilities did not matter; he would be loved and accepted despite his limitations. It would be a community in which a diversity of people lived in joy and contentment with their Creator.”

Dreams of Heaven #1
H:69cm x W:1.7m
Fabric applique
Evelyn Martin 1996.

Dreams of Heaven #2
H:69cm x W:1.7m
Fabric applique
Evelyn Martin 1996

(A modified  version of Dreams of Heaven #2  hangs in the Alberta Govt. office of Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities)

We Belong Together
Evelyn Martin 1991

This watercolour was recreated as a large round fabric work  [D:60cm] that hangs in the offices of the Alberta Govt. Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities.1998

Celebrating Community
Evelyn Martin 1995

Commissioned by Gateway Association for Community Living to celebrate 20 years of family support, inclusion advocacy and action. .